Posted by: Tinsley | August 4, 2007

Important Announcement

Love, Tinsley is going to be moving. Please update your bookmarks to this. When the transition is complete, I will also send out an email to the readers who’s email addresses I have. In the coming days I will also be closing all accounts related under the Tinsley name for Twitter and Pownce.

After having been cyber stalked for quite some time, it was necessary that I took on an alias to protect my privacy. The time to come out of the shadows has arrived, and I’m very pleased about that 😉 After closing up shop on all Tinsley related accounts, I will of course have to send new friend requests to everyone on my contacts lists. Just wanted to give everybody the heads up. I apologize for the inconvenience but am sure you can understand. And for those of you who never knew, my name is Kari, it’s nice to finally meet you 🙂

Posted by: Tinsley | August 4, 2007

The Best Kind of ‘Gasm Ever!


I’m probably one of the last one’s to catch the buzz, but better late than never. Here I was all depressed that I didn’t get to go to BlogHer when I go to check out LC’s latest post and find this!

How cool would it be to actually meet the people who you’ve gotten to know almost as well as your BFF from blogland? So far it looks like most of my regular reads are signed up, though I didn’t see Nance or Shelly. What do you think ladies??? There is so no reason not to go!

Posted by: Tinsley | August 2, 2007

Blooming Friendships

I have been stressing to the max since yesterday. As you know my roomie is out of state working for awhile. Well, he shorted me $60 for his garage rent, so guess who’s pocket it had to come out of. Yup. Not. Happy. He will pay me back and everything, but it’s just the whole lack of responsibility on his half that gets me. I’m already short on funds because the doctor cost me over $250 which isn’t even all paid yet. I’ve got 3 1/2 months left on this lease, and I have a feeling I’m going to end up having to move again. I don’t even want to talk about it anymore because it will just get me upset all over again.

I’ve been working on my socialization as of late. I’ve met some people online here that I plan on meeting up with. Don’t worry, any meetings will be in very public places. I think on Friday I’m meeting this guy B out at the Riverwalk for cocktails. He’s been wanting to meet for a week now, so I said I could probably venture out for a bit Friday night. I prefer the Riverwalk because I can take my furbaby there. When he’s been alone all day with me at work, it would be inconsiderate of me to leave him alone all night as well. Thus, the Riverwalk is always the perfect solution. Did I mention he gets all the attention from the ladies? 😉

Even though it is still a bit too hot for my desire to be outdoors when water isn’t involved, I’m trying my best to step out of my comfort zone. I’m sure you are all familiar with or have at least heard of Meetup. I have found a few meetups of interest that I have penciled in on the calendar. Nothing is in ink, but I will be receiving the invites on a few groups include a photography and dachshund meetup.

I’ve also been chatting with this lady that I met online as well. I decided about a month ago to step outside of the box of traditional ways of making friends, and placed an ad in the ‘Strictly Platonic’ section that read as follows:

I am a kind woman who is fairly new to the area. I am a bit of a homebody, so making friends often presents a challenge. Things I look for in my friendships are honesty, kindness, a sense of humor and acceptance.

I am currently a single gal as I am just concentrating on getting settled in for the time being. I have a lot of male friends, but as you know every woman needs at least one good girlfriend.

I like to surf the web, read, write, shop, go out to dinner/lunch and take pictures. I enjoy hanging out at the Riverwalk watching the entertainment and wandering around Barnes & Noble.

Things I loath are liars, cheaters, people with double standards and golddiggers. If you are looking to make some new friends please feel free to drop me a line 🙂

Hopefully it didn’t sound too bitchy, but I’ve always felt honesty is generally the best approach. Yes? It couldn’t have been too bad because I’ve actually gotten several emails from women who are also looking to make new friends.

Anyhoo, this woman I’ve been chatting with, A, seems very nice. We are planning on meeting up soon at this place called Woodward Park. This place is absolutely huge and includes a rose garden and rock garden. It’s a great place for a friendship to begin complete with doggie on leash and camera. I’m more excited for this that anything else.

Glancing at the clock it is time to put this post (and this girl) to bed. The alarm will be blasting away music before I know it, so it’s time to turn in. Enjoy your thirsty Thursday!

Posted by: Tinsley | July 28, 2007

Express Surprise

Is anybody else choking from the heat? My god it is brutal today! None the less I am just happy to have the day to myself doing whatever I want.

I took it fairly easy last night. The pup and I packed up my backpack and headed over to the Riverwalk. I wasn’t totally in love with the band playing at the amphitheater, but it was free so I can’t complain. We walked up and down, me in my jeans and black tank, the pup in his bandana and visor. He was quite popular with the ladies 😉

I was pleasantly surprised this morning when the mailman brought a package to my door. My sister is awesome! She sent me an entire box full of food since I’ve been surviving on canned goods recently. It was very unexpected, and even more appreciated. I wish I could do stuff like that for her. Maybe I can make her a mini package of homemade goodies? By the way, if you haven’t ever had it, this stuff rocks!


Speaking of my sister, I may get to see her in October. It isn’t for sure yet. My nephew J, who I have yet to meet, is going to be baptized in the coming months. If it works out, they will bring the baby to our hometown for the occasion for which my parents would fly me up for. I am hoping and praying this happens because I want so badly to see everyone, especially my lil nephew!

It has been a pretty chillaxed day for me. After I got over the excitement of my carepackage arriving, I set on a mission to clean like crazy. I can actually smell the clean, so I am satisfied with my efforts.

I wish I could go to Barnes & Noble right now. I love that store like a christian loves their church. Since I can’t shop for books though, I just work on my wishlist at Amazon. It’s the next best thing to actually purchasing stuff.

I also am wanting to go see The Simpsons. However, I think I will have to settle for a movie at home. I’m sure if I dig into my penny jar I can come up with enough change for a bag of popcorn 😉

The remainder of the weekend should be fairly quiet as I don’t plan on doing much other than reading, surfing, and maybe taking some photos. Hopefully everyone is managing to stay cool, and having a great weekend 🙂

Posted by: Tinsley | July 25, 2007

I am a Bad Fish Mommy

For the second night in a row, I fell sleep by before eight o’clock only to be rudely awakened around eleven. That’s the best indicator of my back pain. When it’s strained, my energy level is practically nonexistent. Blah. So here I am once again.

As a result of said strain, and necessary visit to the doctor, I am in the hole financially. Shocker huh? I didn’t ever realize I had some compression between my L5 and S1. Who woulda thunk it? I’m icing for the second time today praying between that and the muscle relaxer/antiinflammatory combo, things will get back to being manageable. Life is such a drag when you’re broke and lunch consists of a can of corn followed by a can of green beans for dinner. Ewww!

I must profess my love for something. I may very well be the only WordPresser who likes it, but is anyone else a fan of Windows Live Writer? It’s so nice and handy to access it right from the desktop. Just like my beloved Twitteroo app, so much less a hassle just twittering from the desktop. Thanks to the lovely LC, I am also now a member of the latest Beta app Pownce. I am pretty faithful to Twitter, but you know I love to try all the new Betas out there. In Pownce you can do more than just message, including sending files, events, and links. I haven’t had much time to play on it just yet, but so far it seems like a great social app. Are you wanting to sink your teeth into Pownce as much as I was? Holla at me; I have a couple of invites left.

While still a bit sensitive, my iron burn isn’t quite so poofy today. I swear to god I have to be one of the klutziest people alive. I still don’t know how I managed to do that.


My Ouchie courtesy of THE IRON

Things have been strange these past two days with my roomie gone. It’s lonely not hearing him pull up at night on his Harley trying to be quiet, but failing miserably. Thank god for my pup, I don’t know what I would do without him (even if he was sick all day today yacking on the carpet). Gross.

Since I’ve been too run down to actually do my hair (with the new haircut and all), you are going to just have to see it in a very poor pic when it isn’t so much done. While it is suppose to look all messy, I imagine this pic looks like my dog would if he were long haired and hung his head out the window.


Yup. She’s black alright, and I don’t care who doesn’t like it, though surprisingly the few people who have seen this pic like (either that or they are good liars) it. It’s hard to see the haircut, but it’s basically a bit of a spikey mess in the back, a fro type mess on the sides, and two semi-long pieces near the front. Sounds like my kind of hair cut. Wake up, shower, and comb only to mess it up afterwards 😉

I think Pebbles and Bam Bam (my Beta fish) are going to kill each other. Bam Bam chases poor Pebbles around all day not giving her any peace and quiet. She in return has eat up Bam Bam’s beautiful magenta and royal blue tail to shreads. According to something I read, Beta mating is quite brutal, so I can safely assume they have been getting it one. Now I need to get Pebbles into a separate bowl (per the article) so Bam Bam doesn’t kill her and watches over the eggs. (I just did this and am certain any existing eggs have been damaged in transport). Damnit! So much for grandchildren!

Posted by: Tinsley | July 24, 2007

Ironed by Worries

I should be sleep now still. It was a long afternoon at the doctor’s office for my worthless back. I finally got home from there and the pharmacy just before seven o’clock. My meds kicked in and before eight o’clock I was out. I shouldn’t have gotten out of bed, but the dog needed to go out and I needed do a couple of things. I’ve been trying to fall back asleep since around eleven, but here I am. Still up. Instead of resting comfortably in my bed I managed to burn my arm while ironing my work clothes for tomorrow today. So is my luck.

After today’s visit to the doc I haven’t a penny to my name. I was already pretty down because of the increasing pain, but then you have to add a helping of mother going off on me for things beyond my control. So rather than being bruised and broken hearted, I am simply down and burnt. Stupid iron.

I’ve planned on posting for the last few days now, but just didn’t. I tend to neglect my blog when things aren’t so well. I will however tell you that if you saw me walking down the street, I can promise you wouldn’t be able to recognize me. My hair is very short, and very dark. I will get some pics up once things are running a little more smoothly. Right now I’m just trying to remember a million things that need to be done. My roomie T is gone for at least the next month. He is working out in CO. Rent is due soon. I don’t have much food, but certainly a decent amount of canned goods to snack on. I need to get the cable canceled as well to cut back on costs. God what I wouldn’t give for my mind to shut down long enough to fall back asleep. Well, if nothing else at least my work clothes are wrinkle free for the day that lies ahead. I’m off to count sheep.


Posted by: Tinsley | July 19, 2007

Just DON’t Do it!

If you haven’t already heard the buzz about Nike and that asshat Michael Vick, please read this post from Jennsylvania.

I WANT to call for a boycott against Nike, Inc. but I’m waiting for their response on whether or not they plan to continue to have dog-killing thugs endorsing their products, MICHAEL VICK.

Hey!  While I was writing this entry, I got an email back from Nike:

There is no change in the status of the agreement between Nike and football player Michael Vick. Nike will continue to monitor the situation, but has nothing further to say at this time.

We appreciate that you took the time to contact us and your feedback will be passed along to the proper department.



Oh, Nike…


Are you disgusted they’ve yet to part ties with Michael Vick?  Then please let them know!

One Bowerman Drive
Beaverton, OR 97005-6453
Phone: 1-800-344-6453


NIKE, Inc.
USA Consumer Services
PO Box 4027
Beaverton, OR 97076-4027


Click here for the email form you can use to tell Nike you don’t buy products from corporations who ipso facto endorse dog fighting.

Please cut, paste and repost this information to spread the word.

After being briefed of the story, I did just that and wrote Nike myself.

Dear Nike,

After learning of Michael Vick’s association with dog fighting, it is with great regret that I must discontinue the use and purchase of Nike products. I always thought Nike endorsed such great messages and positive types of people, but I find Vick’s support and promotion of dog fighting to be absolutely horrifying. I hope you will reconsider using Vick as the type of role model and spokesman that you want for your product.


Posted by: Tinsley | July 19, 2007

Are You Wired?

Go on, you know you want to be on the cover of Wired!

Posted by: Tinsley | July 15, 2007

Bambi & Family

So rather than having to write everything out again, I’m going to start off by letting you read the email I got from my mother after shamefully informing her of my bad fortune.

Dear Tinsley,

I feel really bad about your back. I know you have been so happy and trying really hard. I’m sorry it didn’t work out especially since you loved the work. It is not the end of the world. Like you said you have your friends, your dog, your apartment and parents who love you. How is your back doing now. This is just a temporary set-back, you just can’t do a job that requires you to be on your feet for too long. Do not despair, you tried something new and different and it just didn’t work. Your health has to come first. Maybe you don’t think working in an office, being a receptionist, or making appointments is glamorous, will guess again. The world needs efficient and friendly people behind the desks and on the telephones to make it happen. Look in the phone book for an acupuncturist if you need one. You have been doing great. Don’t give up. I love “hearing” your smile over the phone. I am proud of you.

Love Mom

This was a reply she had sent to the message I sent her. After worrying about not hearing from me for a few days, I emailed her to tell her my back had gone out. I was too ashamed to call them and tell them because as a result I had to leave my new job. I have had about three amazing months with no problems from what I had thought was a thing of the past. It apparently isn’t, so I am back to office work I guess. I don’t want to talk about it anymore, so let us move on.

If you haven’t visited me on Flickr recently, you may not know I have chopped off all my hair. I have all the dark rinsed out finally, so it is somewhat close to normal in color again. I’ve posted quite a few new photos, so if you are bored have a looksie. Here’s the new me.

I’m not a short hair person. Never have been. I’m actually digging it though. Wonder how long that will last. Speaking of photos, I need to take a new one of Bambi. Do you all remember Bambi? He is my bamboo plant. When I got him he was just short of a foot tall. He also is an Aquarius and carries ancient wisdom from the far East.

Anyways, I am planning to take his updated portrait soon so you can see his progress. He has outgrown his ‘birth pot’ and has been transplanted into a large vase. Inside this large vase, I have my two newest pets. They have yet to be named, so we will call them Boy Beta and Girl Beta. I wanted a whole bunch of fish to give my bedroom the whole tranquil feel, but I decided with Bambi inside of their house, they are bound to mate and save money 😉

This is unfortunately the most exciting news I have for you since my last post. When my back acts as it has been, life slows down a lot for me. It’ s been a lot of taking it easy, icing, and reading on my part. A more positive note is that my friend JP seems to be doing better lately. He’s been working a lot more and not drinking as much. I can’t tell you how happy this makes me. I will continue to keep my fingers crossed and prayers plentiful.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Aside from the back, mine has been good. It was very convenient timing that my magazine subscriptions arrived the day after my physical health went down the shitter. Amen to that! I pose a question for my ending note; what do you do when you are restricted to bed-rest? Believe me, sooner or later I will may run out of things to do online. Smooches!

Posted by: Tinsley | July 11, 2007

Got Tillman?

No matter how many times I watch this, I am just blown away at this dog’s intelligence. Check out Tillman!

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