Posted by: Tinsley | March 3, 2007

White Out Part II

There is a car in there somewhere. I was hoping to get some more pics posted of the blizzard, but I am snowed in. The above pic is one I got from a girlfriend in town. You can see the back of her car sticking out.

Aside from the blizzard, there isn’t a whole lot going on. Activity is minimal. Boyfriend is working on one of his cars, so I am just spending some QT with the pup. As far as things go on that subject, we are back to normal. For now. I may never understand Boyfriend. He may drive me insane at times. But I love him. We’ve both got our faults, but the world makes more sense when he is standing next to me. Him and his boys have become my family over the last ten months. I can’t promise this won’t happen again, or that he won’t put me in tears sometime in the near future, but I can’t ignore my heart. That being said here’s to smooth sailing for at least awhile.


  1. Yucky!!! My sister just sent me pics of Kayler standing on the snowbanks in their front yard.

  2. I was laying out in my backyard this weekend soaking up the sun! However, it was in the 40’s this morning and we were all bundled up like fools.

    You lucky duck! I am so jealous!

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